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Pre-Scan Settings

After entering the scan preview interface, you can adjust scanning settings for the current project.


After start scanning, you can adjust the camera view or switch between data quality indicator and texture display, but you could not readjust the advanced settings.

Camera View

Tapto enable camera view, it will show the black-and-white camera view and texture camera view (only shown when Acquire Texture is enabled).

  • Black-and-white camera:
    • Auto-brightness is enabled by default (only supported for the fast scan mode), and you can tap the button in the upper right corner to switch tomanual mode, then you can slide up the slider on the left side of the window to increase the brightness (up to 8), or slide down the slider to decrease the brightness (down to 1).
    • The red points in the camera view indicate over-exposure points. To improve scan quality, it is recommended that you lower down the camera brightness when there are large areas of red over-exposure points, or increase the camera brightness when the camera view is too dark, until the brightness is proper, as shown in the figures below.


           Brightness is too high


           Brightness is too low


           Brightness is proper

If you are not satisfied with the scanned texture, you can adjust settings as follows:

  • Texture camera:
    1. For adjusting the white balance: It is recommended that you first point the camera towards a white paper, a white wall or a white area on the calibration board before performing white balance calculation, then tapto automatically calibrate the white balance; please hold the scanner still when it counts down from 3 to 1.
    2. When the environment light is too bright, you can use Auto-brightness (disabled by default); when disabled, you can also use Camera light adjustment (enabled by default) to manually adjust the texture camera light, when you can slide down the slider on the left side of the window to decrease the brightness (down to 1), or slide up the slider to increase the brightness (up to 10).
    3. When the environment light is too dark, you can tap to switch to the LED supplement light adjustment (set as off by default), then you can use the slider to manually adjust the brightness (0 ~ 5, 0 indicates the LED light is off), and when the brightness is above 0, the button status will be shown as.


  • Please performwhite balance calculation before the scan if needed; this function is not supported after entering the scanning process.
  • If it prompts that "Unable to collect data", please adjust the distance of the scanner and the camera exposure status.

Scanning Distance (DOF)

Tap to enable the function for adjusting the scanning distance, and an arc slider and scan distance numerical prompt will appear:
● Drag the slider to adjust the scanning distance; the image outside the DOF range will not be generated into 3D data.
● Tap on the left side to exit this adjusting.

Data Display Mode

Tap to expand the list, and you can choose a data display mode:

  • : Data Quality Indicator; enabled by default for non-texture scanning objects.
  • : Texture Display; enabled by default when you choose Acquire Texture in Advanced Settings.


You can enable only one of these two display modes; indicates that both modes are disabled.

Advanced Settings

Tapin the right-side function bar to open the Advanced Settings window, where you can preset the scanned model as Object or Portrait, and the corresponding Scan Configuration and Align Mode:

The introduction to different align modes:

  • Feature alignment: It is suitable for objects that cannot place markers and have rich surface features. It automatically completes the alignment by the surface geometric features of the object to be scanned.
  • Texture alignment: It is suitable for objects with rich texture patterns on the surface but lacking rich intricate geometric features. It utilizes the surface texture features of the scanned object to automatically complete the alignment and merging process.
  • Marker alignment: It is suitable for objects with limited geometric features or for scenarios that require high accuracy. It automatically completes the alignment by using markers attached randomly to the flat surface of the scanned object; for the HD scan mode, markers of 3 mm and 6 mm can be recognized; for the fast scan mode, markers of 6 mm and 12 mm can be recognized.
  • Scan Configuration:
    • Resolution: Set the scanning resolution as low / medium (default) / high; the higher the resolution, the slower the Data Quality Indicator turns green, and the mesh data will be more precise.
    • Acquire Texture: Disabled by default; if disabled, the texture alignment mode can not be used, and Texture overlay mode as well as texture mapping are also not available.
  • Align Mode:
    • Feature alignment: Enabled by default; if enabled, will appear in the project information area in the upper left corner.
    • Texture alignment: Disabled by default; if enabled, will appear in the project information area in the upper left corner.
    • Marker alignment: Disabled by default; if enabled, will appear in the project information area in the upper left corner; for the fast scan mode, you need to select the marker's size as 6 mm (supported for medium / high resolution) or 12 mm (supported for low / medium resolution).


  • At least one alignment mode should be chosen.
  • It is NOT recommended that you enable the feature alignment mode and the texture alignment mode simultaneously, otherwise it may impact the FPS.
  • For the fast scan mode, when the marker alignment mode is enabled:
    • The feature alignment mode can also be enabled, but the texture alignment mode can not be enabled simultaneously.
    • Only one size for markers can be chosen.
    • The brightness for the black-and-white camera can only be adjusted manually, and camera exposure function can not be used.
    • Please ensure that the scanner has sufficient power (above 30%) during the scanning process, otherwise the scan can not be performed.
  • Scan Configuration:
    • Resolution: Set the scanning resolution as low / medium (default) / high; the higher the resolution, the slower the Data Quality Indicator turns green, and the mesh data will be more precise.
    • Acquire Texture: Enabled by default, and Texture alignment mode can be enabled, and Texture overlay mode as well as texture mapping are also available.
  • Align Mode:
    • Feature alignment: Enabled by default; if enabled, will appear in the project information area in the upper left corner.
    • Texture alignment: Disabled by default; if enabled, will appear in the project information area in the upper left corner.


  • At lease one alignment mode should be chosen.
  • It is recommended that you only choose the feature alignment mode when scanning the face or body, and not choose the texture alignment mode at the same time.
  • If you switch the object scan mode with marker alignment to portrait scan mode, the feature alignment mode will be enabled automatically.