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Setting Support Parameters

Select the model in need of support, than click on the Support page and modify parameters to support.


Note that gradually increase / decrease parameters by 0.05 mm each time, or the print may fail.

Adjust the Pillar of Support

Sometimes the removal of supports might be tricky, in this case, adjusting Support Pillar helps.


Ba cautious in adjusting parameters. Aware that the model may fell during printing process when the adherence is too low.

there are 4 settings related to support pillar. Let’ discuss them one by one.

Support Diameters

Here lists main differences between those diameters.

Common Support Middle Diameter:

It reflects the diameter of support pillars.
Common Support Contact Diameter:

It reflects the diameter of the upper contact ball between the model and the support.
Inner Support Bottom Diameter:

It reflects the diameter of the lower contact ball between the model and the support.

When diameters above increase, the support becomes more stable and the removal becomes harder; when they decrease, the support becomes less adhesive and the removal becomes easier.

Lift Height and Spacing

Lift Height:

The minimum distance between model and printing platform.

The minimum distance between adjacent support pillars.

When the Lift Height or Spacing decrease, the support becomes more stable and the removal becomes harder; when they increases, the support becomes less adhesive and the removal becomes easier.

Reinforce Support

Reinforce Support: Add tree branch shaped connections between adjacent support pillars.

Support With no Reinforce: The firmness of support drops significantly.

It is enabled by default for its strongly improving the strength of support.

Adjust the Base of Support

Base Type

Projection Base is set as the default base type, however, you may replace it with the one more adapting to the application.

There are 4 base types provided for selection:

No Base:

The layers adhering on the platform are pieces of supports.
Bounding Box Base:

The base covers the platform with a rectangular piece.
Projection Base (default):

The base achieves the balance between material consumption and adhesion by covering the platform with the piece which expands the contact area.
Outer Contour Base:

The base covers the platform with the out contour shaped piece.

Base Height

It is the thickness of the base.

When the thickness is proper, it can be easier to remove prints by the cocked edge of the base.

Base Only

After checking this option, the printing model cling to the printing platform only with a base. This function is turned off by default.

Save Support Parameters

You can click Generate to preview customized support. When capturing a satisfied preview, click to save the setting with a new name.

To call out a support parameter profile saved previously, click and select from the list.