For cases that involve design, you need to upload printable files. You can do this by navigating to the Cases > Details > Design. You will find the option to send printable files. These files will be sent to the printer specified when the order was created.
Please view the workflow of print tasks below.
direction LR
To be sent --> Printer has jobs in queue
Printer has jobs in queue --> Waiting in queue: Yes
Printer has jobs in queue --> Sending: No
Waiting in queue --> Sending
state fork_state <<fork>>
Sending --> fork_state
fork_state --> Completed
fork_state --> Send failed
state join_state <<join>>
Send failed --> join_state
Send failed --> To be sent
Completed --> join_state
Once a task is successfully sent, it will appear in the printer >
queue, where it will be queued and waiting for printing or be printed.
For successfully sent tasks, all members of the institution can manage printing tasks and view printing data.