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Removable Partial Denture Case

Create the Order

For steps to create an order, see Unsectioned Model Case.

Start Scanning

Total Jaw Scan

1 Follow the guidance on the interface to place the height adaptor, the fixture and the model.
2 Set the configuration in the camera window.
3 (optional) Turn on additional functions.
: Enabled by default in Total Jaw Scan. This function could add scanning paths and process a multi-angle scan.
: Add details and process a high-quality scan.
: When the scanning effect is not good, or having black lines on the model, or the gingiva can't be scanned, enable HDR to improve the integrity to the scanned data.

4 Click or press the space key to start scanning.
5 After scanning, move or rotate the cutting plane to cut the model.
6 Click to edit the model.
7 Click to save the edit and return to the scanning interface.
8 Click to preview the scanned model; or Click to rescan; or click to finish.

Lower Jaw Scan

1 Turn on additional functions.
: Process a colored scan.Only available after completing White Balance calibration.It is recommended to be enabled in this order.

: Improve the integrity to the scanned data. It is recommended to be enabled in this order.

Before After

2 Click or press the space key to start scanning.
3 If the scanned data is incomplete, click to add more data to the existing scan.
4 After scanning, cut and edit the scanned data according to reality.
5 Click to finish.

Upper Jaw Scan

1 Turn on additional functions.
2 Click or press the space key to start scanning.
3 If the scanned data is incomplete, click to add more data to the existing scan.
4 After scanning, cut and edit the scanned data according to reality.
5 Click to finish.

Occlusion Alignment

1 Check the automatic alignment and click to finish.
2 If the result is not optimal, click and align the scanned data manually.

Automatic Alignment Manual Alignment

3 Adjust the occlusion after aligning.

Finish Scanning

After finishing the scanning process,click on Go to Pre-design to edit the scanned data.