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Data Editing

When you start scanning, you can edit the scanned data in the Scan step to generate accurate point clouds. You can also use other functions.

Data Editing Toolbar

You can use following tools to edit data after the scanning paused or the point cloud is generated.


  • After editing the data, you can continue scanning to acquire more data.
  • If necessary editing operations have been performed on the scanned data, please apply the edits before generating the point cloud.
Icon Function Description
Perspective View The object appears larger when closer, and smaller when farther away, which is consistent with the rule of normal human eyes to observe the 3D world.
You can click this button to switch to orthogonal view.
Orthogonal View The object does not appear larger when closer, and smaller when farther away; Also known as "isometric view", the size of the object displayed in the view is independent of the current viewpoint distance;
You can click this button to switch to perspective view.
Multi View Observe the scanned data from Top View,Bottom View,Front View,Back View,Left View and Right View.
Cutting Plane Create a Cutting Plane to do quick cut.
Point Cloud Edit In this mode, a point cloud is chosen. Click it again and you can switch to the Edit Markers mode.(This mode is enabled by default if there is a point cloud.)
  • After switching to this mode, the selected markers data (if any) will be retained to facilitate synchronized deletion and other editing operations.
  • Point cloud data under the cutting plane cannot be edited.
  • Stay in the current interface, multiple undo or redo operations are supported.
Edit Markers In this mode, the selection tool is used to only select markers data. Clicking this button again will switch to the Point Cloud Edit mode (assuming there is point cloud data available), and by default, this button is in Point Cloud Edit mode.
  • In the Hybrid Alignment (including Markers) mode or Global Markers Alignment mode, this function can be used.
  • After switching to this mode, the selected point cloud data (if any) will be retained to facilitate synchronized deletion and other editing operations.
  • It is necessary to retain at least 4 markers.
  • Markers data under the cutting plane cannot be edited.
  • Stay in the current interface, multiple undo or redo operations are supported.
Rewind To select (highlighted in red) the scanning data corresponding to a specific frame, drag the progress bar.
Click Confirm to delete the corresponding data; click Exit to exit rewind.
Up to 200 frames of data can be rewound; and you can rewind multiple times until the first frame of this scan.
Rectangular Select or deselect a rectangular area.
Polygon Select or deselect a polygon area.
Lasso Select or deselect the area by using the lasso tool.
Straight Line Move the cursor to draw a straight line to select or deselect the area.
Brush Select or deselect the area by using the brush. Hold down Shift or Ctrl, and at the same time, roll the mouse wheel will scale the brush size.
Select All Select all of the data.
Unselect Cancel all the selections.
Connected Domain Click the button after selecting data, all connected region to the selected data will be selected.
Revert Revert the selection.
Delete Click the the button or use Del to delete the selected data.
Undo Undo the last deletion and recover the last deleted data.
Multiple deletions can be undone by clicking multiple times.
Redo Redo the last operation and recover the last operation data.
Multiple operations can be redone by clicking multiple times.
Cancel Undo all edit, and exit edit mode.
Apply Click the button or space bar to apply the edit, and exit edit mode.

Side Function Bar

You can use more functions on the right panel in Scanning.

Icon Function Instruction
Generate the Point Cloud After completing scanning, generate the point cloud directly.
You can click the button to expand the list to switch functions.
Foot station alignment mode and portrait scan only supports Optimize and Generate Point Cloud.
Optimize & Generate Point Cloud After completing scanning, optimize the point cloud and generate.
You can click the button to expand the list to switch functions.
Project Group Create or open a project group.
Clean Data Clean the current point cloud data to redo scan.
Align Align the data as you need, please refer to Align.
Foot station alignment mode does not support alignment.
Export Data Export the scan data.
Show / Hide Texture Show or hide texture on the screen.
Mesh Model Click to enter the Post-Processing step to mesh model.
If the point cloud of the current project has not been generated yet, this button can not be clicked.
Select all/Invert/Unselect/Delete selected data
The function is the same as the function on editing bar, and can be operated by shortcut keys.
Connected Domain Click the button after selecting a patch of data and all connected region to the selected data will be picked; can be operated by shortcut keys.
Fitting View
The data on the interface is displayed in the center according to the appropriate size; can be operated by shortcut keys.
Set Rotate Center
The rotation center can be set on the data by Left Button; can be operated by shortcut keys.
Reset Rotate Center
After reset, the center of rotation is at the data center.
Show/hide cutting plane
Click to hide or show the cutting plane (if has been set).
Bottom camera
Ticked by default, and can be cancelled to close the left Camera window.
Texture camera
With this option being ticked, a second Camera window will show at the left side.


Press and hold Ctrl+D
Fit view
Scroll wheel
Zoom in/zoom out the data
Press and hold the Middle Button and move the cursor
Translate the data
Press and hold Ctrl+F
Set Rotate Center
Press and hold the Left Button and move the cursor
Rotate the data
Hold down Shift+Left Button
Select the area of data
Press and hold Ctrl+Left Button
Deselect the area of data
Press and hold Ctrl+A
Select all
Press and hold Ctrl+C
Deselect all data
Press and hold Ctrl+I
Switch selected or unselected data.
Delete the selected data

Cutting Plane

If you need to remove the object's base data during the scanning process, Cutting Plane can be a very effective tool.

By setting up a cutting plane, the data below the plane will not be captured.


A cutting plane can be set up after opening a global markers file or scanning global markers, and can be saved while saving the global markers.

Create a Cutting Plane

Three methods to create a cutting plane are shown in the table as follows:

Method Description
Fitting Point Cloud Hold Shift+Left Button to select the point cloud data, and click Create Plane.
Creating Straight Line Hold Shift+Left Button to draw a line, and click Create Plane.
Markers Hold Shift+Left Button to elect at least three markers, and click Create Plane.

Edit the Cutting Plane

  • Delete the selected point cloud data or markers: When ticked, the selected point cloud data or markers will be highlighted in red. Apply the edit to delete the highlighted point cloud data or markers.
  • Invert: Use this button to reverse the selection of data by flipping the cutting plane.
  • Delete plane: clicking this button will delete the current cutting plane and return to the interface for creating a new cutting plane.
  • Reset: reset all the operations performed after creating the cutting plane.
  • Apply: apply all the edits made.


  • It is not supported to deleted all point cloud data.
  • At least four markers should be remained at the front appearance of the cutting plane.

  • Translate the cutting plane: after generating the plane, you can enter numbers in the editing box or drag the arrow of the cutting plane's normal to translate the cutting plane.
  • Rotate the cutting plane: you can drag any of the four small balls on the edges of the cutting plane to rotate the cutting plane along a certain direction.