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Before conducting a scan, there are some preparations that need to be done in order to achieve a better scanning experience.


Objects that are not recommended for scanning include:

  • (In the Fixed Scan mode) Moving or vibrating objects, which cause the shape of object changed during scanning process.
  • Soft material object that cannot be hung.
  • Lattice structures with many small deep holes.

For Markers

If the features of the scanned object are not rich enough, markers (3 mm) can be pasted on the object for scanning alignment.
Please pay attention to the following details when pasting the markers:

  • Attach the markers evenly and randomly.
  • Four markers are required for the alignment at communal areas.
  • Ensure that the device’s camera can scan at least 4 markers within the normal scanning range.
  • Do not attach the markers on the surface with high curvature.
  • Do not use damaged or incomplete markers.
  • Do not use greasy, dusty, or dirty markers.

Examples of pasting markers are as follows:


Wrong example 1: manual grouping markers


Wrong example 2: markers are placed in line


                  Correct example

For other special objects

Object Preparation Notes while scanning
Transparent, shiny, reflective or black objects Use washable or vanishing scanning spray. Scan as normal after spraying.
Thin wall objects Place markers on and around the objects and select Markers mode. Scan as normal after preparations.