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Project and Project Group

Project Group

Create or open a project group before scanning.


Project group is the standard file structure of the software. It contains one project or more. Each project contains the scan data of its own.

Project group is mainly used in the following scenarios:

Project group
Only one project in the project group One object needs to scan with only one alignment mode. Only one alignment mode can be used in the same project.
Multiple projects in the project group
  • One object needs to scan with multiple alignment modes.
  • Multiple objects or one large object need to scan with one or more alignment modes
It is recommended to create multiple projects within one project group when scanning the large object, multiple objects and one projects with multiple alignment modes. After scanning, you can align these projects one by one.


The "Scenario" mentioned above refers to the situation where all scanned objects are located within the same environment or setting.

New Project Group

To create a project group, please refer to two ways as follows:

  • In the navigation bar, enter the Scan Mode step and select the scan mode. In the pop-up window, click on New project group. In the file dialog that appears, enter the name and path for the project group, then click Confirm. All data related to this project group will be saved to the specified path.

  • In the Scan step interface, click the Project Group button in the right sidebar. In the pop-up window, click New project group. The following steps are the same as mentioned above.


  • The default name for the project group is the content entered during the last creation of the project group, followed by a number (if it is the first time, the default name is ProjectGroup_X). The default save path is the path selected during the last creation of the project group (if it is the first time, it will be saved to the desktop by default).
  • If the remaining disk space in the selected path is less than 50GB, it is recommended to switch to another save path to avoid potential issues during subsequent scans.

Additionally, you can also create an individual project within a project group:

In the Scan step interface, click the New Project button in the left Project List panel. In the pop-up New Project window, configure the project settings and click Confirm. All data related to this project will be saved in the current project group's path.

Open Project Group


The current project group (if there is) will be saved automatically.

  • In the navigation bar, enter the Scan Mode step and select the scan mode. In the pop-up window, click on Open project group. In the file dialog that appears, choose the specified project group or search for it, then click Open.

  • In the Scan step interface, click the Project Group button in the right sidebar. In the pop-up window, click Open project group. The following steps are the same as mentioned above.


Consider each project as a part of the project group. All operations of project can be done using the following buttons.

Create new project Click this button will create a new project within the current project group. You can only create a new project when a device is connected.
The last project in the project list is the current project, and only the current project can continue scanning.
Open project Click this button will open the selected project within the current project groups.
Remove project Click this button will remove the selected project from the current project group. This operation will keep the data of the selected project and you can still open it again.
Delete project Click this button will delete the selected project and its data. This operation will permanently delete the data of the selected project from your computer and cannot be recovered.
Project visibility
Click this button will hide/show the point cloud or markers of the current project. In the handheld scan mode, you can also double-click on different projects to switch their visibility.