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After adjusting scanning settings, you can proceed with scanning the objects.


  • In the Fixed Scan mode, before starting the scanning process, please place the object to be scanned in the appropriate position: check the black cross projected onto the object in the camera viewport, adjust the position of the object until the cross is within the red rectangular frame in the camera viewport; if the cross is to the left of the red rectangular frame, it indicates that the object is too far away, or the object is too close.
  • The scanning data in the Scan step can be directly imported in the Measurement step for create feature, alignment or measurement.

Switch Scanning Status

You can switch the scanning status by clicking the buttons in the right side bar.

Function Icon Description
Preview Preview scanning effect.
In this mode, the scanning data will not be saved and scan parameters can be adjusted according to the scanning effect.
Start Scan Scan the objects.
  • In this mode, the scanning data will be saved.
  • In the Fixed Scan mode, you can press Space to start scanning.
Pause Scan After starting scanning, click this button to pause scanning.
Delete Your Scan After start scanning, click this button to clear all point cloud data.
Stop & Delete In the process of turntable scanning, click this button to end this scan and delete the data.


In the Marker Alignment mode, if the data cannot be collected, please check whether the number of markers in each scanning area is not less than 4 or change the align mode.

Generate Point Cloud

After finishing the scan, you can edit the data or click Optimizing and Generating Point Cloud,or hover the cursor over the left expand button and click Generate Point Cloud in the expand bar.


  • The time it takes to generate point cloud depends on the data size of your project and the hardware configuration of your PC.
  • If it prompts that the running memory is less than 2 GB, please close other softwares first.