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Mesh Editing

After meshing model, you can perform mesh editingdata editingand use some other functions.

Mesh Editing

In the Mesh Editing window on the left side of the interface, click + to unfold the function panel.


If the software version is V4.0.0.8 or above, you can click Preview to preview; or you can click Apply to preview.

Optimization options
Texture Brightness and Contrast can be adjusted. Only project files that exclusively contain textures are accessible to this function.
Simplification Simplify the model data as the triangular mesh generated from the scan is in a large size.
Drag the slider or click the page up/down arrow to set the ratio from 1 to 99. The default is 0, indicating no simplification.
  • Over-simplification will result in the loss of data details.
  • Click Preview to preview.
  • Click Confirm to confirm and save. This action is irreversible.
  • Click Cancel to restore and exit.
Mesh Optimization Restructure the mesh topology based on the mesh curvature and sharpen the surface features of scan data.
Drag the slider or click the page up/down arrow to set the ratio from 1 to 100. The default is 0, indicating no optimization.
  • The optimization duration varies depending on the amount of data.
  • Click Preview to preview.
  • Click Confirm to confirm and save. This action is irreversible.
  • Click Cancel to restore and exit.
Smooth Smooth the possible noise on the surface of the scan data.
Drag the slider or click the page up/down arrow to set the ratio from 1 to 100. The default is 0, indicating no smooth.
  • Click Preview to preview.
  • Click Confirm to confirm and save. This action is irreversible.
  • Click Cancel to restore and exit.
Optimization options
Remove small floating parts Remove small floating parts in the scan data.
Drag the slider or click the page up/down arrow to set the ratio from 1 to 100. The default is 0, indicating no removal.
  • Click Preview to preview.
  • Click Confirm to confirm and save. This action is irreversible.
  • Click Cancel to restore and exit.
Auto Hole Filling After selecting the hole filling type, enter the perimeter. Holes within the specified perimeter will be filled automatically. Hole filling types:
Manual Hole Filling After entering the manual hole filling mode, the hole edges are displayed green and get red after picking. The number of the holes and the number of holes filled will be displayed on the interface. Select filling types before picking a hole and then click the edges to perform filling actions.
Manually save the post-processing data.
Flip Normal To redefine the front direction of the scanned data in reversal design.
Hold Shift+left mouse button to select areas to be flipped.
  • Texture remapping should be performed first as it is not accessible after flip normal.
  • Default is to flip the entire dataset if no flip areas is selected.
Cutting Plane Tool Define a plane to re-adjust the coordinate system of the scanned data.
Hold Shift+left mouse button to select a plane by drawing a straight line and then activate Delete selection and close intersection or Delete selection.
  • Click Preview or Orient Based On Plane to preview.
  • Click Confirm to confirm and save. This action is irreversible.
  • Click Cancel to save and exit.
Optimization options
Mirror Take the front view plane of scan data as the working plane. Draw a straight line as the central axis and perform a symmetrical copy.
Hold Shift+left mouse button to draw a straight line as the central axis and then click Keep the initial mesh.
  • Click Preview to preview.
  • Click Confirm to confirm and save. This action is irreversible.
  • Click Cancel to save and exit.
  • Texture remapping should be performed first as it is not accessible after mirror.
Zoom Adjust the scaling ratio of the model.
Enter a value to set the ratio. The default is 100, indicating no zoom.
  • Click Preview to preview.
  • Click Confirm confirm and save. This action is irreversible.
  • Click Cancel save and exit.
  • Texture remapping or Texture Mapper is not accessible after performing zoom.

Bottom Panel

Icon Function Instruction
Select visible To select data on the front view only.
Select through To select data all through.


The other editing functions are the same as point cloud editing

Right Panel

Icon Function Instruction
Open file Open a file (STL, OBJ, PLY) for post processing.
V4.0.0.8 version or above
Export Your Scan If the software version is V4.0.0.8 or above:
: Save the scanned data in the specified format (ASC, STL, OBJ, PLY, 3MF) locally.
: If you have installed the EXModel software and you are in the post-processing or measurement interface with mesh data, click this button to start up the software and import the data into it.

If the software is in other version:
Click to save the scanned data in the specified format.
Sketchfab Upload Use your Sketchfab account to share the model.
Third-party software Save the data and open with third-party software.
Shining3D Digital Cloud Upload the model file to the cloud associated with the current account.
Support data files in OBJ, STL, PLY format.
Texture Mapper Merge HD texture images with the model file to enhance the overall texture quality of the scanned data.
Model Display After enabling the model display by clicking the icon or pressing F12, the model will rotate at a specified speed (Click to rotate clockwise; press F12 or Esc again to exit).
The model will only rotate and display from the current view after entering the model display interface. Exit and adjust the angles in the post-processing interface if other views are in need.

Right Menu

Select all/Unselect/Invert/Delete selected data
See in data editing and perform by using shortcuts.
Fitting view
Display the data in the center according to the appropriate size.
Select visible, select through
See in data editing.
Switching the display type
You can select different display types(triangles, wireframe, point cloud data as well as triangles and wireframes) and the data display mode of the 3D scene will change synchronously after switching.
Only accessible after apply meshing.
Set rotate center
The rotation center can be set on the data by the left mouse button, and click Esc to exit setting.
Reset rotate center
After reset, the center of rotation is at the data center.


Holdleft mouse button and move the cursor.
Rotate the model.
Holdmiddle mouse button and move the cursor.
Move the model freely.
Hold Shift+left mouse button
Select desired data.
Hold Ctrl+left mouse button
Deselect the selected data.
Scroll mouse wheel
Zoom in/out.
Remove the selected data.