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Mesh editing

After mesh generation and optimization, you can edit the mesh on the left panel. Click + to open corresponding function.

Texture To adjust brightness and contrast.
  • Click Confirm to apply the setting.
  • Click Cancel to restore the setting and exit.
  • Simplification To reduce triangles and consequent data size.
  • The default 0 stands for no simplification.
  • Over-simplification will lead to loss of data details.
  • Click Preview to preview the effect.
  • Click Confirm to save the result.
  • Click Cancel to restore the setting and exit.
  • Before clicking Confirm, each simplification operation will be applied on top of the original data.
  • Mesh Optimization To optimize the mesh.
  • The default 0 stands for no optimization.
  • The optimization time depends on the data size.
  • Click Preview to preview the effect.
  • Click Confirm to save the result.
  • Click Cancel to restore the setting and exit.
  • Before clicking Confirm, each optimization will be applied on top of the original data.
  • Smooth To denoise the data and make it smooth to improve the quality.
  • The default 0 stands for no smoothing.
  • Click Preview to preview the effect.
  • Click Confirm to save the result.
  • Click Cancel to restore the setting and exit.
  • Before clicking Confirm, each smoothing will be applied on top of the original data.
  • Remove Small Floating Parts To remove small floating parts of the scanned data.
  • The default 0 stands for no removal.
  • Click Preview to preview the effect.
  • Click Confirm to save the result.
  • Click Cancel to restore the setting and exit.
  • Auto Hole Filling To fill every hole whose perimeter is within the input value automatically after the selection of type. Types:
    Manual Hole Filling To fill the hole manually by clicking the edge of the hole after the selection of type. The edge of the hole to be filled is displayed green,and that of the chosen hole is displayed red.
  • Select a type before filling holes and click the edge to fill holes.
  • Post-processed data should be saved manually.
  • Flip Normal To turn around the normal to the connected domain of the selected data.
  • Texture remapping is unavailable after Flip Normal. Remap all textures before Flip Normal.
  • If you don't select an area, all normals will be turn around.
  • Cutting Plane Tool To adjustment the coordinate of the data with a custom plane as the bottom.
  • Click Preview to preview the effect.
  • Click Confirm to save the result.
  • Click Cancel to restore the setting and exit.
  • Mirror Press Shift + left mouse button to draw a central axis, and then click Preview to mirror the scanned data.
  • Texture remapping is unavailable after Mirror. Remap all textures before Mirror.
  • Click Preview to preview the effect.
  • Click Confirm to save the result.
  • Click Cancel to restore the setting and exit.
  • Bottom panel

    Icon Function
    Select Visible To select the outer data.
    Select through To select the inner and outer data.


    See more details in Data editing.

    Right panel

    Icon Function
    Open File To open a file (STL, OBJ, PLY) for post processing.
    Export Your Scan : Save the scanned data in the specified format (ASC, STL, OBJ, PLY, 3MF) locally.
    : If you have installed the EXModel and you are in the post-processing or measurement interface with mesh data, click to switch to the EXModel and import the data into it.
    Share Your Scan To use your Sketchfab account to share the model.
    Texture Mapper Merge HD texture images with the model file to enhance the overall texture quality of the scanned data.
    It is recommended that you complete the removal of noise and hole filling before using the Texture Mapper.
    Please refer to the Texture Mapper User Manual for more details.
    Third-party Software Open the third-party software and import the scanned data into the third-party software.
    Texture remapping After post-processing, textures on the scanned data will be misrendered. Texture remapping can correct the mistakes.
    If you have already filled holes and simplified the data, it's better to remap the textures before you save the data.
    Show/Hide Texture To show/hide texture on screen.