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Use DentalViewer

Through the DentalViewer, you can preview the edited scanning data directly, that is more convenient and fast.

On the start menu select DentalLauncherDentalViewer to open DentalViewer as follows.

Operation Guide

1 Click to add the scanning data generated by IntraoralScan.


support draging files to the DentalViewer interface to edit the data.

2 Edit or optimize the scanning model data through the right toolbar.

Icon Name Description
Edit Details in Data Edit .
Remove Isolated Data Quickly delete small data isolated to the main model.
Fill Holes 1 Click the icon to enter the fill holes interface.
2 Drag the slider to adjust the application range.

3 Clickimg to confirm the operation and exit; Click img to discard the process and exit.
Texture Click the icon to view the texture on the scanned model.
img Smooth Click the icon to clean and improve the quality of the model.
Fit View Click the icon to adjust the size of the model to be adaptive to the interface.

3 Clickto save the edited model data.

Related operation

Icon Name Description
Transparency Adjustable transparency of model data. Drag the slider to the far left, and the model data becomes transparent.
View View the data from six different directions.
Delete Selection In the model list, delete the selected data file.