Getting Started¶
This manual mainly introduces the hardware and software functions of Aoralscan 3.
Aoralscan 3 is designed to provide powder-free intraoral color scanning with higher speed, bringing greater accuracy and less time-lag for image acquisition. It can be used to scan a single tooth, multiple teeth, and whole dental arches. The captured 3D digital images of teeth and soft-tissue areas are designed to be used in conjunction with the supplied software programs.
Dental Order System module helps manage the patient information and scanned records. Scan module assists you in acquiring digital images. Exporting scanning data (in STL/OBJ format) to CAD/CAM systems for different purposes of dental care is also supported.

Hardware introduction¶
Hardware introduction describes different parts of the scanner and how to connect the scanner and computer, etc.
Software functions¶
The recommended process of scanning by the supplied software IntraoralScan is: Calibrate(Optional) Create an order Scan Pre-design Send the order.
IntraoralScan (Downloaded from the USB flash driver)
Calibrate the scanner to ensure its accuracy and the quality of scan data. It contains two functions: brightness adjustment and calibration.
Order system
Create, edit, search and delete orders., as well as add new patients and so on.
Scan the object and collect digital images, and export 3D data in STL, OBJ, BEB, PLY format.
Various functions are provided for the users to preview and edit the 3D model.