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Scan data edit

We provid functions to edit the scan data when you pause scan or after you generate point cloud.

Icon Function Instruction
Multi view There are 6 different view angle for you to choose.
Create cutting plane Create a plane to do quick cut, check below for detail.
Rectangular Click and hold LMB to drag to select / deselect an area of the data.
Polygon Click LMB one-by-one to select / deselect an area of the data.
Lasso Click and hold LMB to drag to select / deselect an area of the data.
Straight line Drag to create a line to select / deselect an area of the data.
Brush Use brush to select / deselect an area of the data.
Select All Select all of the data.
Unselect Cancel all the selections.
Connected Domain Click the button after select data, all connected region to the selected data will be picked.
Revert Revert the selection。
Delete Click the button or “DELETE” on the keyboard to delete selected data.
Undo Click the button to undo the most recently operations.
Cancel Undo all edit, and exit edit mode.
Apply Click the button or space bar to apply the edit, and exit edit mode.


  • press shift + LMB to select the area.

  • press ctrl + LMB to deselect the area.

Cutting plane

Cutting plane is very useful when a base need to be removed during scanning.

After setting cutting plane, there will be no more data scanned below the cutting plane.

Create cutting plane

Three methods to create cutting plane:

Method Instruction
Fitting Point cloud Press Shift + LMB to select data, then click the button “Generate plane”. The cutting plane will be created by point cloud fitting. The direction of the plane will be calculated by the software according to the direction of point cloud.
Creating straight line Press Shift + LMB to draw a line, and generate the cutting plane according to the line.
By Markers Press Shift + LMB to select markers.
3 markers or more are required to generate the cutting plane.

Set cutting plane

Method Instruction
Rotation axis Cutting plane can be rotated around the axis by operating the active bar, editing the text box or placing the cursor on the edge of the cutting plane and dragging.
Translation increment Translate the cutting plane by operating the active bar, editing the text box or placing the cursor in the center of the cutting plane and dragging. After translation, the increment value will be reset to 0.
Delete Click this option, data in the reverse direction will be shown in red. Apply this, and the red data will be deleted.
Reverse Reverse the normal direction of the cutting plane.
Delete plane Delete the created cutting plane.
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